Dental and perioral aesthetics

The aesthetics of a smile depends not only on the teeth, but also on the gums and lips. A beautiful smile depends on many factors, such as, for example, how the peribuccal muscles move our lips showing more or less gum or the ageing of the teeth.


The ageing of teeth can be physiological and can be observed for example with a darkening of the colour or pathological, such as wear due to bruxism or the habit of biting the nails. To restore the naturalness of the teeth in these cases, treatments such as tooth whitening, aesthetic restorations or veneers can be carried out.


Peribucular ageing is often associated with the loss of teeth without replacement or habits such as smoking, with the appearance of wrinkles on the lips known as barcodes or the marking of the nasolabial folds. Currently, the anti-ageing treatments that we perform in our daily practice are hyaluronic acid injections. Hyaluronic acid has revolutionised dentistry by offering very natural solutions that allow us to treat gums, lips and nasolabial folds to beautify the smile.